Tuesday 17 December 2013

Poster photoshoot

During one of our filming sessions, I took several photographs on one of the shoots. This shoot was from this scene that will be featured in our trailer of a hand dripping with blood. As I took the photographs, it became clear that I used the inspiration from the 'Let the Right One In' illustrated poster that I had seen before. On my the hand (of my sister, who is one of the main characters in our trailer) we used fake blood that we had bought in a shop to create a realistic consistency and colour, rather than trying to make our own synthetic blood. As the blood trickled down her hand, I managed to capture the moments as it dripped, producing these images; 
It took a while to set up the composition of the photograph the way I wanted it, because the hand kept making strange shapes that did not resemble a hand at all (more like a claw). I directed my sister, and poured over the blood myself, before taking this photograph. I also took it in the late afternoon after I got in from school, so the lighting was not ideal as it was a bit dark, however, this created a more eerie feel as the deep red of the blood strongly contrasts against the blue/ purple of her hand and the background. My favourite of these shots is the second to last one as the drop of the blood is in the position that I wanted - the drop is suspended in motion which is what I hoped to capture. This photograph suggests death, without showing the explicit image of a dead body, which may be too horrific for a poster which could be displayed in public places. I will later edit this photo in photoshop to enhance the red of the blood, desaturate the colour of the skin (to make it look more dead) and to remove any blemishes from the hand, and add the necessary components to make the photo into a film poster. 

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