Saturday 21 December 2013

Poster photograph edit

After I decided which photograph I wanted to use on the poster, I edited it in photoshop to make it look more appropriate for a horror genre poster. First of all, I removed any blemishes from the hand using the spot healing tool, which took away imperfections such as the drop of fake blood near the top of the hand. Next, I selected the skin of the hand and deselected the blood. 
Then, I used the desaturation tool to make her skin look less alive and more like a dead and lifeless hand which was the concept behind this photograph - this is the hand of the dead girl from the trailer, which actually links with the shot of the same hand dripping blood. After desaturating the skin, I then altered the brightness and contrast accordingly, making the blood a deeper red and more realistic (previously, the fake blood looked to bright which made it look actually fake). Below is the original image and the final image which I will use for my poster. 

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