Wednesday 25 September 2013

Product Company Name

After creating a mindmap, I have managed to narrow it down to a few names. I quite liked a few of the words on the mindmap, and I strung some together to come up with possible Production Company names;

Spectre House Productions/ Studios
The connotations of the word 'Specter' produce an image of a ghost like figure, ghosts being common features of horror films. I think that this would fit in well with the film genre that I hope to portray through my trailer. I also used the spelling 'Spectre', as this is the French spelling - we have had several ideas of shots in Paris, and so this could be relevant here.   

Locked Door Productions/ Studios 
I liked this name, as it produces connotations of mystery, as well as horror. Questions could be asked, such as what is behind the door? This could create an eerie feel to the name, as it could be something frightening (which would be appropriate, due to the fact that our trailer would be a horror).
Fatal Fear Productions/ Studios
This name came about as I linked the two words together through alliteration. The connotations of the words both fit in with the horror genre, and due to the fact that they both begin with an F, the name flows quite well. 'Fatal Fear' suggests that something is so frightening that it is deadly, which definitely links to horror.

Heartbeat Productions
I quite liked this name, as it is a bit more suggestive in the fact that it may not just link to the horror genre. The word 'heartbeat' may have connotations of love, but in more depth, it could link to the actual heart, which could link to blood (which is obviously linked to the horror genre). Another word for heartbeat is also pulse, and when frightened, the pulse (or heartbeat) is raised and made quicker. When analysed, the meaning behind this name is subtle, yet suggestive of the horror genre.

Black Raven Productions
This name could have several different meanings behind it. The word 'Raven' is associated with the bird, which has an ominous black body, and when in flight casts a dark silhouette in the sky. This connotation of darkness can be linked to the horror genre. Also, raven's are known to have powerful links with mythology across the wrold, throughout many different cultures. It's most famous reference is in Edgar Allen Poe's poem, 'The Raven', which although is not strongly linked with horror, within the poem, the raven (who is a key figure in the poem) is called a 'thing of evil', and so ravens are commonly used within horror films as symbols of death and evil.

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