Tuesday 10 September 2013

Maintaining synergy within Marketing Campaigns

When looking at marketing campaigns for films, we can see how each advertisement is linked through synergy. Previously, I have looked at the trailers and posters for both 'The Wolverine' and 'The Conjuring' and after analysing them, it has become very clear how the synergy between them connects the components in the campaign, allowing the audience to be able to view a certain image of the film, no matter what format the advertisement is that they are looking at.

Within the marketing campaign for The Wolverine, the synergy of the advertisements can be seen across several media platforms. The traditional aspects of a marketing campaign such as posters, magazine coverage and trailers are all used effectively in order to reach the largest amount of the public as possible. All of the components add together to create one big campaign which collectively advertise the film, and hopefully entice the audience to come and see the film.

Today, technology plays a part in the marketing of films, allowing trailers to be advertised and promoted to audiences right across the internet, not just on YouTube or the film website. For example, for The Wolverine campaign, trailers were released on YouTube, as well as on TV. Teaser trailers and the International trailer were released, as well as a 'Tweaser' - due to the diversity of technology, this 6 second trailer was created to be shown on the social networking site 'Vine' where people can upload and watch short video clips of 6 seconds or less (Tweet + Teaser = Tweaser). This means that the trailer could be viewed across several other viewing platforms, increasing publicity and the viewing numbers that the trailers received.

Also, several different types of posters were created. Printing advertisements in this format means that even the people who may not use the internet as much can be exposed to the marketing campaign for this film. From this we can see that the synergy of marketing today plays a huge role in making sure that marketing campaigns reach the widest audience - they hope to draw in a bigger audience for the film from this, hopefully enticing them to go and watch it in the cinema.

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