Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Magazine photoshoot

As well as doing a photoshoot for my poster, I conducted a photo shoot for my magazine cover in between shots for our trailer. I did this after the recording of one of the shots in our trailer - a shot in which the main character looks through the keyhole of the door leading to the attic. I used this image as it linked well with our trailer. Here are the shots I got;

This first image has a slightly blue hue to it, which is suitable as it links in with our trailer, as during the editing process, we placed pale blue filters over the clips of film. This was to create a cold atmosphere, which is commonly linked with horror films. This photograph links in with this quite well, and the image of her looking through the keyhole also directly links to the clip of film which is in the trailer. The white glow of the light through the keyhole also creates an eerie effect which I like.

This is a very similar image to the first, however, I changed the white balance to a different setting - on the previous photograph, I had the white balance set to incandescent, which made the light bluer in order to counteract any incandescent light (which was not present, which meant that the image was bluer than the white balance setting would usually produce in the right circumstances). For this photograph, I set the white balance to auto. I like the composition if this photograph better, however it is a lot darker than the first image and so may not look as effective, even when edited in photoshop.

As you can see, this image is even darker, and so is not at all suitable for the cover of a magazine, however, this image may actually look effective on a poster if it was edited correctly. I like the way the face is slightly blurred, however, I will definitely not be using this image for my magazine.

I really like this image, as the door is exposed quite well, however, the face is too dark, and would require brightening and a lot of editing. Also, her expression does not fit with the horror theme on this image.

Overall, I like the first image best, and although the eye is over exposed, I can improve this in photoshop. 

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