Monday 13 January 2014

Final Magazine Production

I began to put together my magazine after editing the photograph, and looked at the issue archive of Film Comment as a guide to how to lay out my own magazine. By cropping the image, I created the white border that is seen across all of the more recent issues of Film Comment (which I liked), and I saved an image of a bar code from the Internet to add to the corner of the magazine. I originally was going to place this in the left hand bottom corner of the image, however, this did not look right as it filled up the whole corner, which reached all the way up to Ellie's chin - aesthetically, the bar code looked much better in the right hand bottom corner. 

After I had added the bar code, I created the masthead. For all of the recent issues of Film Comment, although the masthead does not have a space in between the two words, they are split by two different colours of the same font. I thought this looked quite effective, so for my own, I split the to into black and a dark red, which matched the red lips of Ellie, but contrasted to  the pale blue of the background.
When I had used this colour, I realised that the colour of Ellie's lips were extremely pink, and not a deep red as I had intended (this must have been a result of the alterations I had made when editing the original photograph) so I selected her lips and altered the colour balance to reduce the level of cyan, and increase the red, making a more suitable colour. 
After this, I added cover lines above the masthead, which was another feature of film comment which I thought looked effective
This was the result. I still needed a main coverline to go with the image on the front, so I had to come up with one relating to it. I looked at previous issues of Film Comment and also at issues of Empire and Total Film for inspiration on how to word my main coverline and decided on 'Through the keyhole/ Eleanor Bray in the chilling/ 'Lullaby''. The play on words links to the image and the word 'chilling' links it to the horror genre. Here is my final magazine cover;

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