Wednesday 20 November 2013

Film distribution

From our research, I think our film would be an independent film instead of a blockbuster release. I wanted to do some research into the distribution of films, as it is an important part of the post production of films. I looked at some research as to how films are distributed and who they are distributed by. 

Distribution is arguably one of the most important parts of the film industry. The process of distribution involves the releasing and sustaining of films in the market place. In 'blockbuster' Hollywood films, distribution, production and exhibition can operate effectively when 'vertically integrated', however, in the UK, distribution is more focused on marketing globally across local markets. In the independent sector however, this vertical integration does not occur as often. The producers of independent films tend not to have the long-term economic links with distributors that Hollywood producers would have. In this sector, distribution can be divided into 3 stages - licensing, marketing and logistics. 

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